I have learnt that the Lord loves me immensely and incomprehensibly, through Christ. Since I am completely "accepted in the Beloved"1, His love will not depend on my behaviour; his favour will not increase by my obedience or decrease by my disobedience. Each time God looks at me, He sees Christ.
I have learnt that I am sanctified the same way I was justified: by grace through faith 2. I am not sanctified, for example, by attending church three times a week, going door-to-door witnessing regularly, reading the Bible daily, or any other physical activity that could be measured or quantified. I am conformed to the image of Christ every time I believe in the Gospel, every time I believe that Jesus Christ is more than enough to satisfy my needs, and every time that, after having sinned, I thrust myself in His arms, returning to the inexhaustible source of forgiveness 3.
I have learnt that the evidence of a Spirit-filled life is not abstaining from alcoholic beverages, refusing to listen to popular music, wearing a tie as part of my clothing, or following man-made rules. The evidence of a Spirit-filled life is: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control. Any person, in fact, is able to maintain an external appearance and an irreproachable testimony, so to speak, without the need to be regenerated (e.g. Paul, in his life as a Pharisee 4). However, the fruit of the Spirit is impossible to be carried out if one does not possess the Spirit.
In His long prayer to the Father, as recorded in John 17, Jesus pleaded concerning His people, that "they may all be one," 5 I have learnt that the doors of Hades have not prevailed against the Church throughout history. Those who have put their entire trust in God, through His Son, are innumerable. It is our prerogative to seek communion with such brethren in Christ, wherever they are. There will always be doctrinal differences among denominations, which is inevitable on this side of eternity. Nevertheless, we have fellowship one with another on the basis of Whom we believe, not necessarily what we believe. To withdraw from brethren that believe in the same Gospel we believe is both destructive and arrogant; it is not virtuous.
Finally, I have learnt that God seeks for people who would worship Him in "spirit and in truth" 6. The worship of God is not limited to musical styles contemporary to certain eras (e.g. Sixteenth century European classical music) or to certain instruments. On the contrary, the preponderance of Scriptural evidence points out that the worship of God should involve our emotions 7, our bodies 8, as well as our minds and understanding 9. Moreover, we see that there is no limit in quality or quantity of instruments that could be used to exalt God, since King David, that great Psalmist, would create new instruments continually 10. The belief that our worship should in no way appeal to our senses is an old Gnostic, pagan doctrine that is based on the premise that everything physical and material is vile and unclean 11. Jehovah God refuted this falsehood on the sixth day of our history when, after having finished his creation, "He saw that everything was good" 12.
In summary, I have renounced Independent Baptist Fundamentalism, given that this movement
Has promoted a legalism that is disguised as grace, instead of faith.
Has promoted rules instead of a relationship with God.
Has promoted conformity to human standards instead of fullness of the Spirit.
Has promoted separation instead of unity in Christ.
Has promoted the performance of certain musical styles instead of worship.
Nevertheless, my desire is to have complete fellowship with my brethren that are in this movement, as far as it is wise and possible. Such things we have in common:
Our faith in a Triune God
Our trust in the divine inspiration and infallibility of the Bible
Our belief in salvation by grace, through faith in the vicarious sacrifice of Christ
Our hope of the Second Coming of our Lord
This is my conviction, in which I will abide by the help of God, to Whom be the glory.
Louis A. Melendez
Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
February, 2012
Scripture References
1. Ephesians 1:6
2. Colossians 2:6
3. II Corinthians 3:18
4. Philippians 3:6
5. John 17:21
6. John 4:24
7. Psalm 138:1
8. Psalm 149:3
9. I Corinthians 14:15
10. II Chronicles 7:6
11. Colossians 2:20-23
12. Genesis 1:31, I Timothy 4:4